Once every 3 years, Niigata prefecture holds a massive art trail. Amongst art galleries and public spaces, many old buildings have been repurposed. What else would you do with 9 Million and counting abandoned and decaying timber houses?
Today Christian visited one spectacular house that had an estimated 1 Million lines carved into its every surface.
Taking two and a half years to complete with the final 6 months involved 30 art students working full time . Each line was cut into the 150-year-old smoke-blacked timber with a kakuri V gouge and a mallet.

About “Shedding House”
“This house, which had survived here for 200 years, was falling into ruin. I wanted to show my appreciation to a place that had remained unchanged while I lived my life in the ever-changing city. Shedding House has set a new clock for marking time, so that those who carved the house actually “shed” themselves.” Junichi Kurakake, Quotation from Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale