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Kumagawa Wasen with Douglas Brooks - The Video Series

Kumagawa Wasen with Douglas Brooks - The Video Series

This video series was shot in April/May 2023 when I travelled to the small town of Oda, Kagawa to lend a hand to Douglas Brooks on a very large boat building project.

When I arrived, Douglas was in the home stretch of building the third of six boats that he had been contracted to deliver to the Kumagawa Kudari company.

Over a period of three weeks, we finished that third boat, began the fourth and were able get it just past the point that the third boat had been in when I arrived. So, the equivalent of one boat in three weeks. Douglas sure knows his stuff.

While there, I helped Douglas to film the process, highlighting boatbuilding techniques, the interesting aspects of these specific boats, and some of the challenges he has had to overcome in delivering these absolutely beautiful, and quite large, vessels.

Above is an 11-part series on the process, each video about 10 minutes long. If you are coming across Douglas's work for the first time here, this series will shortly be published on his YouTube page, and you should absolutely have a look at his previous work on his website and his Instagram feed.

I have been extremely lucky to be a part of this project. A massive thank you to Douglas Brooks, for having me along and putting up with me, and to his many partners in Japan who have facilitated this project along with him.

If you'd like to support Douglas's work, his books can be purchased through us here, or elsewhere around the world if you are outside Australia/New Zealand.

Of course, if you are in Japan and you wish to experience one of these boats for yourself, all you need to do is visit the Kumagawa Kudari and book a ticket!


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